The Pyramid of Movement

Key Layers Explained:

  1. Movement at the Base: We start at the base of the pyramid with basic human movements. This foundation is crucial, encompassing everyday functional movements like walking, bending, and twisting. We explore how mastering these fundamental movements is essential for overall mobility and fitness.
  2. Mobility: The next layer is mobility, which involves the range of motion in joints and the ability to move freely without pain. We delve into exercises and routines that enhance mobility, highlighting its importance in preventing injuries and setting the stage for more advanced physical training.
  3. Strength: As we ascend the pyramid, we reach the strength layer. Here, we focus on building muscular strength and endurance. This section covers various strength training techniques and their role in enhancing both basic movements and mobility.
  4. Skill: At the top of the pyramid is skill. This pinnacle represents the ability to perform complex movements and exercises that require a combination of strength, mobility, and technique. We discuss how to integrate and apply the strength and mobility developed in the lower layers to acquire and refine specific physical skills.


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