To Unlock:

10 reps

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Push ups on the knees.

Aim to not just flair the elbows out to the side, lean the shoulders forward.

REPSΒ NEEDED: 5 clean reps to unlock

TIP: Don't let the core disengage, keep the core engaged.

TOPΒ TIP: Trying to progress to a full push up? Do the negative of a full push up and then come back up in a knee pushup.


Tips and Tricks

Push ups on the knees.

Aim to not just flair the elbows out to the side, lean the shoulders forward.

REPSΒ NEEDED: 5 clean reps to unlock

TIP: Don't let the core disengage, keep the core engaged.

TOPΒ TIP: Trying to progress to a full push up? Do the negative of a full push up and then come back up in a knee pushup.
